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立春 Lichun- 'Beginning of Winter', February 4th

Lichun 'Beginning of Spring'- First Seasonal Point- February 4, 2023

“Lichun” marks the Beginning of Spring and is the first season of the Chinese calendar.  While in most parts of the world the weather is still bitterly cold, Lichun is considered the harbinger of Spring rather than the literal warming of the weather.  That said, during this time the universal energies which transition Winter into Spring have already begun to shift.  Spring also marks the rising of our Yang energy, the force which governs action, movement, and inspiration.  Until now, it was dormant as our Yin – the force of rest, stillness and contemplation – ruled Winter.  Now, using the strength we cultivated during our Winter’s rest, we can gently rise to greet the dawn of a new day, a new season, and a new cycle.


Spring ushers in new beginnings, a time to start anew.  Associated with the Wood element, one can fittingly imagine themselves as the start of a young tree sapling.  This image of regrowing or rebirthing reminds us that while life has begun to emerge, we must also nurture ourselves which care. Just as seedlings need the right amount of soil, sun and water, we too must feed ourselves gently before heading out into the great wilderness. 


At The Beginning of Spring, we act as the season does. We awaken slowly.  While we awaken, it is still very cold and our Yang is still but a seed.  Treat this first season as you did the last but with some adjustments. Sleep longer but rise earlier. Get out and move more to get your blood going, but focus on stretching, walking or anaerobic exercises. Eat foods which warm your belly, but go easy on those which are heavy, rich or greasy.  Enjoy alcohol with caution as it inflames and overworks your liver, an important organ for seasonal wellness.  Always stay hydrated with warm and hot water, rather than cold.  Make plans for new ventures and projects but try not to rush or overwhelm yourself before you’ve even begun.  Use this time to “plant seeds”, plan, and allow your goals to unfold naturally.

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